Our ministry to children begins with our time to come together and worship in Kids Church (Sunday @ 10:30am), but it does not end there. We believe family discipleship is the most effective, so we equip families to come alongside children in order to spur them on to becoming Christlike disciples. Through Orange Curriculum and Bible Quizzing, we instill Bible knowledge and practical integration of Biblical truths into their daily lives.


The Orange Strategy aligns leaders and parents to create community around a timeless message that mobilizes the next generation to love God and serve others.
What if what we do every week was connected to a comprehensive strategy? It is. This goes beyond a weekly service into a more engaging ministry strategy that aligns the voices in every student or kid’s life and leads them into deeper faith.
We engage every parent and caregiver at home to help support the primary faith influence in a kids life. With Orange, we connect strategically with parents and help every family have a richer faith experience.

Bible Quizzing
Nazarene Bible Quizzing emphasizes Scripture memorization and application, using a form of Bible Quiz competition for 1st-5th grade children. Every Sunday morning at 9:30am, our children practice learning the Bible together through fun and interactive games. Throughout the year we come together with other churches for Virginia District Quiz Meets. The World Quiz happens during our Global Convention every 4 years.